The Narrative Design Canvas

A few years ago, I took a master class in Toronto with Alex Osterwalder, the visionary author of Business Model Generation and creator of the the Business Model Canvas, to learn how to apply his canvas to organizational and project design. After the class, I spoke with Alex and with his permission, reimagined the canvas into one with fields particular to the use of social impact media for a campaign, project, or organizational program.

The result was the project model canvas for narrative design for social impact below. The canvas is a strategic planning tool that allows you to lay out on one page the internal considerations for the design of your narrative-based project for social impact.

True to Alex's spirit, my version of his canvas has been freely available to anyone who requested it, but under the demands of my task list, I had never gotten around to releasing it for direct download. Rectifying that oversight now, here it is below and also available at SlideShare.

You're free to Share and Remix the Canvas. This canvas and Alex's original are licensed as creative commons, so enjoy them for free and for whatever you like. For this canvas, just reference and after each use. For Alex's, reference only. And share your work for free for others under a similar license.

Please let me know how it works for you.

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